BEZARES USA part description

Version: Standard
Internal Ratios: FW 73%
Shifter Type: Air without 101 air kit
Input Gear: Fuller series (R/675)
Assembly Arrangement: Right, Forward
Output Type: SAE type 1 ¼ round shaft
Intermittent Service Max. Torque (Lb. FT) 210
Intermittent Service Max. Power (HP @1000rpm) 30
Continuous Service Max. Torque (Lb. FT) 150
Continuous Service Max. Power (HP @ 1000rpm) 30
Warranty: Products manufactured by Bezares are warranted to be free of defects in materials and workmanship for a period of twelve months from date of installation if proper documentation is provided, otherwise twelve months from invoice date shall apply.

If requested by Bezares USA, Ltd., products or parts for which a warranty claim is made are to be returned transportation prepaid to Bezares USA, Ltd. Any product to be returned or claimed to be defective must be held for shipping instructions to Bezares USA, Ltd.

Fits the Following Transmissions

FM-15D310B-LST, FM-15E310B-LAS, RT-13609A/H, RTLO-14610A/B/B-T2, RTLO-17610B/B-T2, RTLO-18610B/B-T2, RTLO-9118A-MT, RTO-11813, RTO-14713, RTO-14813, RTO-15813, RT-11109A-AT, RT-12109A-AT, RT-14109A-AT, RT-9109A-AT, RT-7608LL, RT-8609, FO-10E310C-VAS, FO-12E310C-VAS, FO-14E309ALL-VMS, FO-14E310C-LAS/VAS, FO-14E313A-MHP, FO-14E318B-MXP/VXP, FO-16E310C-LAS/VAS, FO-16E313A-MHP, FO-16E318B-MXP/VXP, FO-20E318B-MXP/VXP, RTAO-16710C-AC/AS, RTLO-13118AMT, RTLO-16913-LHS-D, T-18, T-98-1P, T-98-1Z, T-98A-1, T-98A-1C, CM-4052-A, CM-4052-D, CM-4054A(301329)(301420), CM-4954A(301386), CV-67-F, EPSO175-16M, ES42-5A(301438), ES42-5D(301439), ES43-5A(301510)(301633), ES43-5D(301511)(301634), ES52-5D(301456), ES53-5A(301508)(301631), ES53-5D(301509)(301632), ES54-5A, ES54-5C, ES60-5F(301482), ES68-5D, ES72-5C, ES72-5D, PS105-7LL(301464), PS110-7A(301519), PS110-7B(301518), PS125-7B(301445), PS125-6L, PS130-12A(301484), PS130-5A(301470), PS130-6L(301465), PS140-5, PS145-7A(301520), PS85-10LL, PS85-14-4L(301525), PS97-7A(301446), PSO105-7LL, PSO120-8LL(301644), PSO125-6L, PSO140-6C(301486), PSO150-16A(301641), TSPO145-14A, TSPO155-14HP, TSPO175-16M, 1007-3A(301121)(301208), 1007-2A(301117)(301206), 1052A(301091), 1054A(301092), 1062A(301101), 1064A(301102), 1107-2A(301201), 1207-2A(301195), 1211-3A, 1211-5A, 1214-3A(301130)(301212), 1214-5A(301131)(301213), 1254A(301095), 1262A(301105), 1263A(301107), 1263B(301109), 1264A(301106), 1265A(301108), 1310-2A(301292), 1310-4A(301317), 1352A(301235), 1362A(301169), 1372B(301325)(301405), 1374A(301272), 1452A(301183), 1462A(301173), SM-420, ML4, MM4, MM5, MW3, 225955, 591550, 591682, 591703, 591705, MO-11F10A-E11, MO-11F10A-D11, MO-11G10A-D11, MO-11G10A-E11, MO-11G10A-M11, MO-11G10A-S11, MO-11G9R-M11, MO-12F10A-E12, MO-12F10A-S12, MO-12F9A-S12, MO-12F9A-E12, MO-12G10A-D12, MO-12G10A-E12, MO-12G10A-M12, MO-12G10A-S12, MO-12G9A-D12, MO-12G9A-E12, MO-12G9A-M12, MO-12G9A-S12, MO-13F10A-E13, MO-13F9A-E13, MO-13F9A-S13, MO-13G10A-D13, MO-13G10A-E13, MO-13G10A-M13, MO-13G10A-S13, MO-13G9A-D13, MO-13G9A-E13, MO-13G9A-M13, MO-13G9A-S13, MO-13G9R-M13, MO-14F10A-E14, MO-14F10A-E16, MO-14F10A-M16, MO-14F10A-S14, MO-14F10A-S16, MO-14F10C-E16, MO-14F9A-E14, MO-14F9A-S14, MO-14G10A-D14, MO-14G10A-D16, MO-14G10A-E14, MO-14G10A-E16, MO-14G10A-M14, MO-14G10A-M16, MO-14G10A-S16, MO-14G9A-E14, MO-14G9A-M14, MO-15F10A-E15, MO-15F10A-S15, MO-14G9R-M14, MO-15G10A-D15, MO-15G10A-E15, MO-15G10A-S15, MO-16F10A-E16, MO-16F10A-M16, MO-16F10A-M18, MO-16F10A-S16, MO-16F10C-S16, MO-16G10A-D16, MO-16G10A-E16, MO-16G10A-M16, MO-16G10A-S16, MO-18G10C-S20, REO9-125A, REO9-135A, REX10-115C, REX10-125C, REX10-135C, REX10-145C, REX10-155C, REX9-135B, RMX10-115C, RMX10-125C, RMX10-135C, RMX10-145-CT, RMX10-155C, RMX10-165C, RMX10-165-CT, RMX9-115R, RMX9-125A, RMX9-125R, RMX9-135A, RMX9-135R, RMX9-145A, RMX9-145R, RS10-145AT, RSO9-115B, RSX10-115A, RSX10-115C, RSX10-125A, RSX10-125C, RSX10-135A, RSX10-135C, RSX10-145A, RSX10-145C, RSX10-145-CT, RSX10-155A, RSX10-155C, RSX10-165A, RSX10-165CT, RSX9-115R, RSX9-125B, RSX9-135R, RSX9-145B, RSX9-145R, RSX9-145A, RSX9-135A, RSX9-125A, 441-RTJ, 541-12, 541-15, 541-16, 541-C, 541-CL, 541-DD12, 541-DD12A, 541-DD13, 541-DD14, 541-DD15, 541-DD15A, 541-DD16, 541-DD16A, 541-DD17, 541-DD17A, 541-DD17B, 541-DD18, 541-DD18A, 541-DD22B, 541-DD23B, 541-DG21, 541-FD2, 541-FD23B, 541-FD1, 541-FL1, 541-FL2, 541-FO1, 541-FO2, 541-GD11, 541-GD22, 541-GD23, 541-GD24, 541-GD24B, 541-GD25, 541-GL, 541-GO, 542-CO, 542-DO, 542-FO, 542-GO, T-105A, T-1060A, T-107, T-1070, TRDL-107, TRDL-1070, TRDXL-1071, TRL-107, TRL-1076, TRL-10760, TRL-1078, TRL-10780, TRTXL-107, TRTXL-1070, TRTXL-1070B, TRX-107, TRXL-107, TRXL-107A, TRXL-1070, TRXL-1070A, TRXL-1071, TRXL-1071A, TRXL-10710, TRXL-1076, TRXL-1078, X-107, X-1070, X-1070A, 1076, D-107, FO-16D313E-LEP, FOM-16D313E-LEP, FO-8406A-AW3, FO-8406A-ASX, FO-6406A-ASX, EDCO-6F107A, EDCO-6F107A-B, EDCO-6F107A-M, EDCO-6F107A-P, EH-6E606A-CD, EH-8E306A-T, EH-8E306A-U, EH-8E306A-UP, EH-8E306A-UPG, EH-8E306A-CD, F-5405-DM3, FAM-14810B, FO-5406B-DM3, FS-3005B (1988 & BEFORE), FS-5406N, FSB-5406B, FSB-6406B, RT-11609H, RT-12609H, RT-12710B-AS2, RT-14609H, RT-14709A, RTF-12710B, RTF-13709H, RTF-13710B, RTF-14710B, RTL-11710B/B-T2, RTL-14710B/B-T2, RTLO-11610B/B-T2, RTLO-12610B/B-T2, RTLO-13610B/B-T2, RTLO-14618A, RTLO-14913A/A-T2, RTLO-14918A-AS2, RTLO-14918A-AS3, RTLO-14918B-AS, RTLO-14918B-T2, RTLO-15610B/B-T2, RTLO-16610B/B-T2, RTLO-16913-T2, RTLO-16913A-T2, RTLO-16913L-LHP, RTLO-16918B-AS, RTLO-16918B-T2, RTLO-18718B-T2, RTLO-18913A-T2, RTLO-22918B-AS, RTLO-20918A-AS2, RTLO-20918B-AS, RTLO-20918B-T2, RTO-11609H, RTO-11909MLL, RTO-12609H, RTO-12710B-AS2, RTO-14710B-AS, RTO-14909-MLL, RTO-909B, RTX-16709H, T-11605D, T-14607B, FO-16E318B-VXP, RTF-14709H, 1207-3A(301199), ES65-5D(301469), M-14F10A-M14, MO-12G9R-M12, MO-14F10C-S16, MO-14G10C-E14, MO-16F10C-E16, RM9-125A, RT-9710B, RTF-14715, RTLO-14610A, RTLO-14613A, RTLO-14918B-AS3, RTLO-18918B-AS, RTLO-18918B-T2, RTO-14609H, RT-14710B-AS2, RTF-12510, PS130-6C, 1372A(301271)(301398), FO-6406A-AW3, RTLO-16913L-DM3, FS-4205B, RT-14715, ESO-9306A, F-5505B-DM3, F-6405B-DM3, F-8405-BDM3, F-5406B-DM3, FO-6406A-ASW, FO-6406B-DM3, FO-6506B-DM3, FO-8406A-ASW, FO-8406B-DM3, FSBO-6406B, FSBO-8406B, FSO-6406A, FSO-8406A, FO-5506B-DM3, 591592, MT-8
Chelsea Cross Reference
340GFAHXV4XD Order with M1 Stud Kit (This Transmission requires a Metric Stud Kit)
340GFAHXV5XD Order with M1 Stud Kit (This Transmission requires a Metric Stud Kit)

Bezares USA 6000 Series PTO

The Bezares USA 6000 Series PTO is an SAE 6 hole low-speed forward and reverse output pneumatic PTO. It is known for its rugged design and all cast iron construction for maximum durability. Made with the highest quality sealing components and bearings, this series offers high technical performance, allowing it to work even under the harshest conditions and applications.

Features & Benefits

  • With gears that go through deep gear tooth carburization for longer gear life
  • Comes in two options: air-shift or lever
  • Uses the same input gears as the 1000/2000 series PTOs, making it compatible with most manual transmissions
  • Product is designed for pneumatic shifting only
Type Reversible
Make Chevrolet, Eaton, Fuller, Mack, New Process, New Venture, Warner, ZF, Meritor

Based in Toledo, Spain, Bezares USA® is one of the world's biggest suppliers of power takeoffs (PTOs) and hydraulic pumps and accessories. It maintains a dominant market share in Spain, the U.K.,  and Sweden and caters to customers in more than 80 countries. With decades of experience in the European market, Bezares offers a wide range of PTO units and components for Isuzu, Mercedes, Mitsubishi, and Volvo transmissions, hydraulic pumps, dump pumps, birotational gear pumps, piston pumps, motors, and a range of auxiliary hydraulic components for trucks and industrial vehicles. All Bezares USA components draw from more than 90 years of experience and leadership in the industry.

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